Laura at Newfound Hounds is the most compassionate, friendly and best behaviourist/trainer i have ever had help from. I highly recommend her, especially to anyone suffering from anxiety or feels guilt about how your dog is. Laura would always make me feel empowered and happy with each little/big win. The best things about her is she understands rescue dogs and mental health in people. I never felt judged or shamed, I always felt safe and had fun.

I first heard of Laura from a dog rescue where she helps dogs. I knew straight away she would be the kindest person and i was right. When i approached her for help i was at one of the lowest points in my life. I felt like a dog mum failure and i had lost all hope. My life for a year was very lonely and sad. I was not able to do anything at home, my dog had the most extreme over arousal where he would arousal bite/grab. Every evening i would be exhausted hoping he would sleep so i could. It was horrible.

I tried getting help from 2 behaviourists and one trainer who did not fill me with confidence about me or my dog’s future. I always felt hopeless. I did online courses/read books but kept feeling i was the problem.

I had 2/3 months of help from Laura and the transformation in my dog was unbelievable. In fact, a fortnight into Laura’s help i noticed a massive improvement and its kept getting better.

Now i have the best loving relationship with my dog. I feel no guilt or shame anymore and wish i had knew about Laura over a year ago.

Every day he surprises me with how well he is doing. It fills me with happiness to see him grow confidence and choose healthy ways to decompress. I notice each little thing he does and our bond is so strong now. He is a totally amazing boy. I never thought this day would come. He is currently sleeping on my bed. He no longer try’s to destroy everything. Oh, it’s so wonderful!

Me and my dog’s relationship is now full of love, fun and adventures.

Thank you, Laura, you helped me make a best friend x

Mandy & Freki